When I was a kid, my grandmother used to tell me “this won’t last forever”…a simple, but incredibly poignant statement. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found that line to hold multiple meanings. On the one hand, it could be used as a way to reassure ourselves during extremely hard times. But another way to look at it, is that some of the good times and even the good people we have in our life won’t always be there…that we should appreciate the time we have with them, while we still have them.

Losing my grandmother was probably the hardest thing I’ve ever had to endure, and yet, that pain has allowed me to express myself in way’s I never could imagine.

“These Day’s Don’t Last Long” is a testament to that expression. To not only share the pain lurking inside and outside (today’s modern world is insane),

but to also express the joyful, but fleeting moments we experience in this life. The love we share between others, the up’s and down’s and all arounds…because nothing is ever meant to last forever.


“Out of the darkness”

Little blurb about the single.

“Bad News”

Little blurb about the single.